Here’s a boy who loves little cars, and can spend a lot of time playing with his huge collection. But Lautaro is also curious about what’s going on in his environment. He recently passed his first English exam; he was standard-bearer and won a history contest in school.

Two years younger than her brother, Madison is an artist, and also a very feminine girl. She spend hours painting with different materials over different surfaces (including furniture and walls!). She loves dressing up alone, choosing her own outfits and using many accessories.

Marcela, mother of the two, is a children’s fashion stylist and the director + audiovisual producer of Bajitos Magazine . Lucas, their father, is a photographer, a university teacher (he teaches History of Video Games; so cool) and a free lance translator for StyleSight.

Lautaro and Madison

What do you want to be when you grow up L : Car racer and to perform as an actor in a horror movie. M: Painter

Someone you admire?  L and M : Justin Bieber

What is your big dream L : Be able to fly all over the world

Are you scared of anything? L : Horror movies, because they make me have bad dreams all night.M: Sharks, because they eat people

Your favourite films and books L : Asterix. Die Hard 4. M : Monster Inc. and coloring books

Something you did recently that you really loved L : The last family barbecue. With my aunt Mónica and my cousins. We ate a lot and play a lot too. M : My days at the summer camp. We play all day and go to the swimming pool.

The best holidays you ever had L : My favorite vacations were at Punta del Este, Uruguay. We went to “La Barra” beach. It was the most beautiful thing I saw in my life. The sea was quiet and we enter the sea up to our necks. And at the beach it was full of little crabs.

A place that you would dream to visit  L : Paris, because I see it at the movies and I love it. I want to try all the different cheeses and see all the city lighten up. I want to go to the Eifel Tower and Disneyland too. M : Disneyland, to meet the princess and Alex (from Art Attack).

Your favorite outfit or the piece your like the most from your wardrobe L : A t-shirt with a speedometer on the front from “Esmio”. M : My feather headband from Mirame Accesorios, also my ballerinas with brightens details from Zara.

The next item you would so dearly love to get L : White and black rocker shoes. M : A short t-shirt with that shows my belly.

If you had a magic wand, what would you do with it right now? L : Convert an old car in a Ferrari. M: Don’t know…

Marcela and Lucas

A place you saw when you were a child, and that stayed with you L : Punta Del Este, my childswood vacation site. I remember, freedom, long rides alone with my bike, green places, beaches and usually bited by all kind of bugs and sea creatures, seagellyies, bees, and once I a small scorpion called alacrán! Besides the bugs I remember a complete happiness.

Where do you dream to go for your next family holiday M : we’d like to go to a quite and warm beach. Maybe the Caribbean or Brazil. Uruguay is always a good choice. L : I’d like to take the family to Miami and Disneyland

A film that you saw recently and that staid with you? M and L : C.R.A.Z.Y. by Jean Marc Vallée

The film that you love to see with the whole family? M : I love going to the cinema with the kids. Any movie is a good excuse. L:  Toy Story 2

The book on your bedside table M : Lots of magazines.“Under pressure” by Carl Honoré. L : Steve Jobs by Walter Isaacson

The children’s brands your cherish M : Hard… in any brand you can find little jewels. However I like very much French brands like Une Sardine a Río, cool items from Chinche or Mini Rodini, comfortable clothes from Stella McCartney. From Argentina all the beautiful brands that I use for the productions for Bajitos Magazine. L : Nina Rabolini

The children’s stores you love to visit and buy from L :  Fao Schwarz, NY

What do you buy online?M : I don’t buy online. L : Yes, I buy at The free shipping world wide service is great for Argentina, because on every other online store, the shipping to Argentina is very expensive.

A website that inspires you M : Kenziepoo, Pirouette, Pinterest’s boards. L :

Lastest item you added to your child’s wardrobe M : A red skinny jean for Lauti and glossy shoes for Madison. Both from Zara.

Favourite pieces in your child’s wardrobe M : I prefer comfortable clothes Leggings and dresses for Madison. Skiny jeans and cotton t-shirts for Lautaro. L : A red denim for my son. I’ve bought it for a photo production, and I decide to keep it. L : Space Invaders t-shirt, red denim, skinny denim, a white fur best, silver and black leggings, sailor jacket.