Brand Profile: JOE SUN

Brand name: JOE SUN (anglicised version of jou sahn 早晨 (meaning ‘good morning’ in Cantonese)
Company: JOE SUN ltd

Date of creation: 2019
Country of origin: Hong Kong SAR
Country of production: Guangzhou, China – just 40mins from our home in Hong Kong.
Name of owner/founder: Alex Le Jeune

Number of employees: 1 – Just me.

Number of sales points: 4
In how many countries is the brand present: Australia, Switzerland, Hong Kong, Singapore…the list for SS21 is growing!

Own e-store: yes, launched January 2019
Own store (brick and mortar): not at the moment but I would love to have my own space, maybe when we return home to Australia.

Where to find the brand online:

Company statement or tag line: Timeless, recycled swimwear designed for an endless summer.

What makes the brand unique / stand out: We only release one collection a year and every style is designed to mix and match across current and previous collections. At our core are unisex colours and cuts, with longevity being the ultimate goal. After all, sustainability isn’t just about recycled fabric.

A quote from a client or journalist: My girls absolutely thrash their swimsuits…rocks and fences, jettys and trees – their JOE SUN swimsuits still look brand new after a full summer! Anna (customer)

Product categories: clothing/swimwear
How many pieces per collection: we keep it small, usually no more than 10 pieces
Main materials used: Italian made regenerated polyamide by ECONYL®

Your trade show planning for next season: I would love to jump on a plane to Playtime Paris or Tokyo!

Plans for the future : After 2020, I’m literally taking things day by day ha! But I’m excited to see the brand grow and in stores all over the world.

Name of the photographer for images: Photography: Jenna Agius Photography
Art + design: Brand New Now


joe sun kid's swimwear

joe sun children's swimwear

joe sun kid's swimwear

joe sun kid's protective swimwear



With sunkissed memories burnt vividly in her mind and a lifelong love of design and travel, Alex had a vision to create simple, comfortable and eco friendly swimwear for the children of the future. An ethically made range featuring unisex styles and the highest quality Italian fabric.

In 2019, JOE SUN was born. A small, considered collection of skin friendly summer essentials for play and protection. Timeless, trendless pieces designed for an endless summer.



Our protective swim collection is made from ECONYL® regenerated polyamide, which is derived from waste such as carpets, discarded fishing nets, plastic components and fabric scraps. By using ECONYL® regenerated fibres, we are actively helping to reduce the amount of plastic in the environment. We have avoided the use of plastic ends on our drawstrings and chosen not to use plastic hygiene liners.

Each collection features unisex styles and the very best quality fabric and manufacturing – intentionally created to reduce the amount of clothing you buy for your children. We hope our swimwear is passed between family and friends – summer basics that allow you to play, protect then pass it on.

We are conscious of excess packaging and the impact on our environment – our pieces are packaged in recycled (and recyclable) envelopes and we use compostable courier satchels where possible.

Our garments are made by hand in a small Australian owned factory in Guangzhou, China. We have intentionally chosen a factory that is close to us here in Hong Kong, so we can be frequently on the ground to ensure our high standards are met and that our staff are part of an environment that is happy, safe and fair.