“If every 8 year old in the world is taught meditation, we will eliminate violence from the world within one generation”, the Dalai Lama said. All people practicing meditation recognise the benefits of this powerful technique : more energy and focus, clearer thinking, reduced levels of stress, better approach to life, etc. So, can we teach our young children to meditate? Oh yes we can!

The modern world of technology has brought lots of freedom and pleasure, but also much stress and sensory overload. Especially for our young children, whose mind is so busy with homework, after school clubs, not to mention all the goodness available on screens.

To learn properly, absorb knowledge and acquire the skills to behave adequately in life, they need to be reconnected with themselves, to develop emotionally. Emotion plays a part in everything and if children are cut from their emotions, they cannot fully blossom.

It is important to remember that a child should never be forced to learn to meditate. This decision has to come from a personal and deep desire to do so. This desire will come more easily and naturally to children who see their parents meditate, or to the ones who practice yoga. But every child can learn, at almost any age as it is never too early and never too late.

In a radio program, Austin Wyse (thewysecentre.co.uk) explains that it is important is to make it fun so that they engage with it. Slowly make it become a daily ritual, just 2 or 3 minutes, like brushing the teeth. Again, with fun and excitement; it cannot be something overwhelming that they feel obliged to do.

Click here to hear Austin Wyse’s tips to meditate with children, as well as an interview of Elli, a 10 y old girl explaining how she practices meditation and what she likes about it.