I am sharing this story of Mae, a 12 year old girl who decided to cut her hair, with the aim to make a cancer patient happy somewhere. Here’s how brave young Mae scarified her long 17″ (43 cm) braids…

Mae, who has the great habit to always sneak into her mom’s archive (Mae is the daughter of Sophie Demenge from Oeuf), found a photo dating from 20 years ago featuring her with very short hair. That’s how she learned that Sophie had cut her long blond hair just after her mom. Liza, died from cancer. Sophie then left Paris and traveled to San Francisco, to live her grieving process her own way.

Mae (whose second name is Liza), was very moved by the story, and she got so inspired by it that she decided to go the same route.  Mae inquired, looked for the relevant information and finally found all she needed to make her own capillary donation. “Somebody needed the hair more than I did” says Mae, “and I love not having to brush my hair anymore!”.

Creativity, courage and sense of adventure is in the genes it seems! Check this video to learn more about Mae’s incredible grandmother pirouetteblog.com/mood-of-the-day/culture/sunday-video-favorite-thing-sophie-demenge/.
I have to say, Mae, you not only rock for what you did, but you also look very good. I hope your story will inspire many other teenagers to be generous and adventurous!
If you want to donate your hair, contact http://www.locksoflove.org/donate.html